Schools & Covid

IT Consultancy & Repairs, located in Crewe, servicing Cheshire and surrounding areas.

Schools & Covid

Working at home has proven the need for robust, yet fluid ICT provision. Working in a school and having to support staff and pupils during the pandemic was challenging, not due to the nature, nor the technology. It was down to lack of equipment and skills of end users.

By planning before the pandemic, our school was able to switch to blended learning immediately. Staff had already been ‘tinkering’ with Microsoft Teams.

Classes were online and we were already in the process of migrating resources to the cloud.

I felt this was one of the good things I did within the last eighteen months.

Repairing laptops and computers, enabling vulnerable pupils to gain access to ICT equipment was another project I was involved with. Very successfully delivering over 100 devices to the wider schools community.

Planning and provision of enhanced remote access solutions towards the end of #Lockdown2 proved a game changer for the staff. Providing seamless access to school and cloud based resources and MIS.

All of this, whilst being the only IT technology specialist within the school.

I feel I have more than enough to offer any prospective employers.

So, let’s talk.